Selasa, 24 April 2012


 Indonesia Yang merupakan salah satu Negara terbesar di Asia, tentunya memiliki beraneka ragam adat dan budaya di masing-masing wilayah. Sudah terlalu banyak seni dan budaya milik Indonesia yang  dicuri dan diklaim sebagai bagian dari budaya Malaysia. Sebelumnya Malaysia mengklaim motif kain songket Palembang sebagai hasil karyanya, lalu wayang kulit Indonesia yang muncul dalam iklan kebudayaan Malaysia, dan yang baru-baru ini adalah klaim Malaysia terhadap Tari Pendet milik masyarakat Bali. Hal ini tentu saja akan semakin membuat hubungan Indonesia dan Malaysia semakin memanas.
Hingga saat ini, Pemerintah Indonesia belum ada langkah yang serius dalam menyikapi masalah pencurian budaya ini.  Antara lain dengan meminta Malaysia segera meralat segala bentuk klaim budaya Indonesia sebagai budayanya serta meminta maaf kepada bangsa Indonesia. Jika tidak, Pemerintah jangan ragu untuk membawa kasus ini ke Mahkamah Internasional, karena rakyat pasti akan mendukung. Jika kasus ini terus menerus terjadi, bagaimana nasib budaya Indonesia? Karya seni dan budaya harus dijaga dan dilestarikan, bukan untuk diperjual belikan kepada pihak manapun. Semoga Pemerintah dapat segera bertindak untuk menyelamatkan kesenian dan kebudayaan Indonesia yang telah diwariskan oleh para leluhur bangsa ini.
Namun tentu saja, kita sebagai bangsa yang beradab, jika kita ingin menempuh jalur hukum, maka kita tetap harus memperhatikan tata krama dan kaidah-kaidah hukum internasional. Kita tidak boleh bertindak gegabah atau anarkis, misalnya dengan melakukan aksi sweeping kepada warga Malaysia yang menetap di negara kita. Karena hal tersebut hanya akan menambah perseteruan dan justru bisa memperburuk citra negara kita di dunia internasional.
Sebagai warga negara yang baik khususnya para generasi muda, seharusnya belajar tentang budaya dalam negeri jangan hanya belajar budaya asing dan melupakan budaya asing.

Kamis, 12 April 2012


(1)   polite request

May I bargain it?
(2)   formal permission

You may write about admitting a mistake that you may have just made.

(3)   less than 50% certainty
That my be true.
(1)   less than 50% certainty
My pride might be my downfall, but I ain't asking for help
(2)   polite request (rare)

Might I have something to drink?
(1)   advisability

They should balance time they spend on work and with their families.
(2)   90% certainty

Adri went home, thinking hard what he should do to solve the problem.

Ought to
(1)   Advisability

You ought to say thank you for the present.
(2)   90% certainty

If you will think about what you ought to do for other people, your character will take care of itself
Had better
(1)   advisability with threat of bad result

If they had better things going on in their lives, they wouldn't have the time to sit around and talk about you.
Be supposed to
(1)   expectation

Everything in the Universe is exactly the way it is supposed to be.
Be to
(1)   strong expectation

I want to be an example for girls in India who don’t really participate in combat sports.
(1)   strong necessity

You must go to the library at least three times a week.
(2)   prohibition (negative)
You must not expect anything from others.
(3)   95% certainty

He must be a genius.
Have to
(1)   Necessity

I have to look at her like a man.

(2)   lack of necessity (negative)
Have got to
(1)   necessity

You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary.
(1)   100% certainty

One who throws away the rubbish anywhere will be fined Rp. 1.500
(2)   Willingness

Come on, I’ll buy a new one.
(3)   Polite request

Will you jont the four?
Be going to
(1)   100% certainty

Everybody is going to be breaking up once it gets warm.
(2)   Definite plan

I’m going to the canteen.
(1)   ability/possibility

We can learn a lot from reading.
(2)   informal permission

(3)   informal polite request
Can I help you?
(4)   impossibility (negative only)
The visit itself, however,apparently cannot be separated from Britain’s ambition to sell some of its defense equipment as can be seen from the fact that executives of some of the UK’s leading defense manufacturers are among Cameron’s entourage.
(1)   past ability

(2)   polite request

Could you pass me the boardmarker, please?
(3)   suggestion

(4)   less than 50% certainty

They could be different from one country to another country.
(5)   impossibility
 (negative only)

I couldnt be more eager to have mine behind me.
Be able to
(1)   ability

One will be able to accept or reject the hypo-theses.
(1)   polite request

Would you come here,far?
(2)   preference

(3)   repeated action in the past

Used to
(1)   repeated action in the past

I used to work at the unemployment office.
(1)   polite question to make a suggestion

Shall I compare three to a summer's day?
(2)   future with “I” or “we” as subject

You shall have you gift also.